What To Do If You Get Sick

What To Do If You Get Sick

Fall is here and winter is on its way, which mean cold and flu season is upon us. Despite your best efforts to live a healthy lifestyle, chances are you will come down with at least a cold, especially as the holiday season approaches and you are around more people (and more germs) at parties and family gatherings. While moderate exercise has been correlated with a lower risk of getting sick, hard training can temporarily compromise your immunity. So if you are exposed to a virus or illness-causing bacteria within a short window after completing a hard workout, you are more susceptible to falling ill. This window can last between 3-72 hours, after an initial period of increased immunity. The length of this window of weakened immunity is dependent on the intensity and duration of activity, as well as other individual factors.

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Your First Triathlon

Your First Triathlon

So you are making (or considering making) the leap into the great sport of triathlon. Bravo! Whether you or have intentions of becoming a lifer in the sport or just want to see what the hype is about, you are probably feeling a little overwhelmed about where to start. Even if you have experience in one or two of the sports, adding one or two more can be really intimidating; no need to fret, everyone has to start out a beginner. And while it might seem like the learning curve is steep, I will challenge you to reframe this as an opportunity to make some massive improvements in a short period of time.

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