Syracuse 70.3-Back for Redemption in 2014
/After last year’s disaster race at Syracuse, I felt like I had some unfinished business on the course. And to briefly summarize what happened in 2013, I failed to adequately fuel and hydrate while on the bike, started the run feeling terrible, and succumbed to the 95 degree heat and 100% humidity. The tough run course slowed me to a walk and quite literally brought me to my knees, as I ended up in the medical tent getting two bags of IV fluids. I still earned a roll down spot to the World Championships, which I debated accepting and in hindsight am glad that I did. I also learned the hard way the importance of nutrition and hydration in long course triathlon. Flash forward one year, I was coming fresh off my win at Eagleman 70.3 two weeks earlier which had earned me the coveted Kona slot, my main goal for the season.
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